Working me

Yes, I'm at work
Yes, it's Saturday
Yes, I should certainly not be blogging

But, hey, it's Saturday, I'm at work and I felt like taking a little breather. I went online and checked out the Icelandic newspaper Morgunblašiš and there were some blogs on there, so to (a dark and v. hot place) with it and here I am blogging.

I've absolutely nothing to blog about. Well, the other day as I was driving home I got a brilliant idea for a blog post (I thought it was brilliant, anyway) but when I got home I had so much to do and I didn't feel justified in taking time away from my duties to blog, hence no blog and now I've totally forgotten what I wanted to blog about.

But I remember that the drive home was a good drive home. I mean, the weather was beautiful, the radio played some good songs and just everything seemed to 'click just so'.

We'll be welcoming our first guests from the United Kingdom since we moved over. We're very excited and very much looking forward to seeing Ian and Travis. We've been pondering about things to do and the result is, well not anything to write home about, so I won't bother putting it on here. But I am confident that we'll sort something out. The Boys on Tour shall and will not have an uneventful trip. And I mean that as positively as possible.

Life in general:
I've been very fortunate. I have a job.
And not only do I have a job, but I have a job which I thoroughly enjoy and love.
Although getting mixed up in this Staff Organizing Thing, which is the reason for me being at work on a Saturday, was perhaps slightly ill thought out. But it's not like it's all Saturdays, and as soon as I get the book-keeping under control, Saturdays at work doing book-keeping are history. And I do like being involved and doing what I can to help out.
So all in all - things are v. good.

I joined Twitter the other day. Found out that not a single person in my address book was on there. I know that I'm really bad at maintaining my address book, but wow, that really sucked. Still I have managed to get 3 followers, so I'm feeling quite chuffed anyway.

Better get back to it - Over and Out

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